8: What to do in the garden in August
Glorious August, a time for spending time in the garden with some sizzling summer barbeques and enjoying the fruits of your labour.
Good thing the temperatures will be quite consistent and warm, there are a chance of showers this month so keep an eye on the forecast.
This month it’s worth getting ahead of maintenance jobs, such as weeding, watering and deadheading. Keep an eye on any trees, shrubs or plants in pots and hanging baskets, they are likely to be the thirstiest and in need of watering.
There are lots of varied jobs to do in the garden this month, from giving the lawn a good feed, picking, pruning propagating and harvesting, stay vigilant on checking for garden pests and disease especially during hot weather but also during damp days where slugs and snails are likely to be out looking to snack on leafy greens.
Ornamental Garden:
- Continue to deadhead, especially Dahlias which should be looking great by now.
- Weed, shouldn’t be too much of this but its best to keep on top of it.
- Keep the lawn mown and edges cut. Due to dry weather, you may need to raise the height of the cut if you want to keep your lawn green.
- Trim hedges. Now the birds have finished nesting, it’s time to get your hedges back in order
- Water! Any plants that are looking a bit tired and are wilting need a drink. If they look bad, then water immediately and then top up later in the day when its cooler.
- If you have any meadow areas, then these should be cut, and the hay raked asap.
- Spray and feed Roses.
- Plant out autumn flowering bulbs like Colchicum.
- Remove Lavender stalks and trim bush leaving some green fresh foliage.
- Order spring-flowering bulbs.
- Ensure Camellias have sufficient water to ensure flowers for next year.
- Clip evergreen shrubs.
- Collect any seeds or seed pods from existing plants.
- Prune current seasons growth of Wisteria back to 5-6 leaves.
- Mow summer flowering meadows.
Vegetable Garden:
- Harvest Garlic and lift Onions.
- Sow oriental greens such as Mizuna and Mibuna and Pak Choi.
- Harvest Apples and Pears.
- Plant new Strawberry plants.
- Start lifting main crop Potatoes.
- Summer prune trained fruit such as Espalier Apples and Pears.
- Trim non-flowering stems of grapes cutting back to one leaf from the main branch.
Other jobs to do in the garden in August:
- Keep birdbaths topped up so wildlife can drink during hot weather.
- Keep an eye out for garden pests and diseases.
- Give lawns a feed with fertiliser.