Charente local markets

An overview of the weekly Charente local markets:

MondayAngoulême: Halles Centrales 07.00-13.00
Chalais: morning market – streets of town are closed to traffic – general goods and local produce
TuesdayAngoulême: Halles Centrales 07.00-13.00
Civray: Place Leclerc 08.00-13.00
Cognac: in the vast indoor market area – general market
Confolens: in the town centre 08.00-13.00
Jarnac: in the town centre – general goods and produce
Mansle: in the town centre – produce and household goods
Vivonne: in the town centre -general market
WednesdayAngoulême: Halles Centrales 07.00-13.00
Cognac: in the vast indoor market area – general market
Ruffec: in the town centre – produce and general goods
ThursdayAngoulême: Halles Centrales 07.00-13.00
Champagne-Mouton: in the town centre 08.00-13.00
Cognac: in the vast indoor market area – general market
: in the town centre – general and produce
Aigre: in the town centre – fresh fish and wine
Mouthiers sur Boëme: market at the Place du Champ de Foire
FridayAngoulême: Halles Centrales 07.00-13.00
Champagne-Mouton: in the town centre 08.00-13.00
Cognac: in the vast indoor market area – general market
: in the town centre – local produce and general goods
Mansle: in the town centre – produce and household
Ruffec: in the town centre – produce and general
Saint Claud: in the town centre 08.00-13.00
Verteuil-sur-Charente: in the town centre 08.00-13.00
SaturdayAngoulême: Halles Centrales 07.00-13.00
Brossac: town centre – produce and general goods
Cognac: in the vast indoor market area – general market
Confolens: in the town centre 08.00-13.00
Mansle: in the town centre – produce and household
Rochefoucauld: market square – produce and general goods
Ruffec: general goods
MonthlyRouillac: 27th of every month, throughout town – a vast, fair type market selling everything from produce to livestock.