
The upper portion of Chauvigny is built on a dramatic cliff that overlooks the gently flowing Vienne River. The town is dominated by five medieval castles; the Château d’Harcourt is in the best condition.

Puy-Leonard Chauvigny

At the site of the ruined Château des Évêques, tourists can attend the Géants du Ciel (Giants of the Sky) show, where soaring falcons, eagles, great-horned owls, and other amazing birds demonstrate the ancient art of falconry. An archaeological collection at the Donjon de Gouzon gives visitors an insight into the town’s heritage.

Also not-to-be-missed are the town’s Romanesque churches. The Collégiale Sainte-Pierre dazzles visitors with its abundantly embellished sanctuary, featuring ornate sculptural details. The Saint-Pierre-des-Eglises chapel features Carolingian frescoes that are masterpieces of pre-Romanesque art.

Chauvigny is 75 minutes (79 km) from Puy-Leonard.